
Edo Maajka in Pomurje

In Murska Sobota, Edo Maajka will present his last released album entitled Spomen ploča, which contains all his greatest hits from the past four albums. Edo re-recorded the old hits with a great funk band, with new arrangements and...

Important information
Mikk, Trubarjev drevored 4, Murska Sobota
Facebook event
Entrance fee
10 euros in advance, 12 euros on the day of the concert.

Edo Maajka bo v Murski Soboti predstavil svojo zadnjo izdano ploščo z naslovom Spomen ploča, na kateri so zbrane vse njegove največje uspešnice s preteklih štirih plošč. Edo je stare uspešnice posnel na novo z odličnim funk bendom, z novimi aranžmaji in produkcijo.


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