
Electronic Carnival

Moved to a new location, it will be even better and even louder, as it offers us an excellent selection of top DJs. We will have three dance floors available: main, classic and open, on which the stars of the foreign and domestic world of electronics will line up. This is how we will be entertained long into the night: Sander Van Doorn, ...

Important information
Economic Exhibition Center, Dunajska 18, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
27 evrov v predprodaji.

Preseljen na novo lokacijo bo še boljši in še glasnejši, saj nam ponuja odlično izbiro vrhunskih didžejev. Na voljo bomo imeli tri plesišča: glavno, klasično in odprto, na katerem se bodo zvrstile zvezde tujega in domačega sveta elektronike. Tako nas bodo dolgo v noč zabavali: Sander Van Doorn, Funkerman, Cristian Varela, Marko Nastić, Ian F in mnogi drugi.

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