
Elevation lab Batterypro - portable charger for Apple Watch and iPhone

Elevation Lab BatteryPro

If you have an Apple Watch, you also have an iPhone, and Elevation Lab has made sure you can charge both devices with the BatteryPro portable charger. How, you ask.

BatteryPro has a built-in MFI-certified magnetic charger for an hour Apple and a strap with which you attach the watch to it and thus prevent it from moving while charging. No more cables and no more falling from chargers to the floor. At Elevation Lab they also included a 2.4 amp cable for the charger iPhone, which works extremely fast. BatteryPro is extremely resistant to drops and shocks, so don't worry, you won't have to buy another worry anymore.

With charger BatteryPro you will be able to charge the watch Apple good 2 weeks and iPhone as long as 3 days, because it 'stays' in the charger 8000 milliamp hours. Huge for a charger that comes in all sizes iPhona 7, right?

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