
Elevation Training Mask - A mask that takes your breath away

Exercise should be varied and more and more effective. Some achieve this with compound exercises, where they work several muscle groups at once, while others also practice underwater cycling to increase calorie burn. But a device called the Elevation Training Mask takes the effectiveness of training to a whole new level. How? By recreating the conditions of high altitudes, where the air is thinner.

"If you are a competitive athlete, you are always looking for the limits of your performance. You want to be stronger, faster and more and more durable.” This is the promotional slogan of the mask for extreme training.

On the official website Training mask they say that the mask reduces the flow of air, making it harder for our lungs to work. You will be forced to take fuller and deeper breaths, increasing lung capacity, endurance and airway efficiency. They further claim that using a mask during exercise is so effective that you will be able to reduce the amount of time spent training by as much as two-thirds. It sounds fun and effective, but we recommend such a mask only to those who are in top shape and have been practicing the prescribed exercises for many years. Otherwise, at least consult your personal doctor about the readiness of your lungs for such feats.

It is available in three sizes and each model costs 60€. But we guarantee that you will look like during the training Bane from Batman: The Dark Knight Rises. Although many people may mistake you for a psychopath with a gas mask on his head.

See the training mask in the gallery

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