
Elvis Jackson at the Old Castle in Celje

You are invited to an unforgettable adrenaline rock spectacle, where the most prominent local punk rockers will provide you with a fun, energetic and technically perfect performance. In addition to songs from the current release "Against the Gravity", you will be able to hear all the band's biggest hits and a few more ...

Important information
Celje Old Castle, Celje
Facebook event
Entrance fee
12 or €15

Vabljeni na nepozaben adrenalinski rock spektakel, na katerem vam bodo najbolj izpostavljeni domači punk rokerji postregli z zabavnim, energičnim in tehnično dovršenim nastopom. Poleg pesmi iz aktualne izdaje »Against the Gravity« boste lahko slišali vse največje hite skupine in še nekaj novejših, še neizdanih pesmi.

In case of bad weather, the concert will be held in Celjski dom.

Cena vstopnice v preprodaji 12 EUR in na dan koncerta 15 EUR.
Ticket sales:
TIC Celje (Krekov trg 3, 03 428 79 36, 03 492 50 81, tic@celje.si, www.celeia.info) in prodajna mesta Eventima po Sloveniji ter uro pred koncertom na prizorišču.

Celeia Institute Celje

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