
Elysium - a weightless chair that creates a feeling of floating

Elysium creates a feeling of weightlessness.

You no longer need to travel to space to feel weightless, although the Elysium armchair won't come much cheaper. But now you can experience the feeling of floating in the comfort of your home, and not in a spacecraft, space station or NASA premises. Sleeping on a cloud has been just a parable until now, but it comes to life with this chair.

Armchair Elysium indeed it costs as much as a good car - 23 thousand euros, but Elysium is no ordinary armchair, recliner, office chair, rocking chair, or however you define it. You feel in it, as if you were in weightless space, in which you do not feel the weight of your own body. He has to thank for that innovative mechanics, which is based on mathematical calculations and provides in landscape mode feeling of floating.

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Elysium creates a feeling of weightlessness.
Elysium creates a feeling of weightlessness.

The multipurpose Elysium is based on kinetics developed by a designer and innovator dr. David Wickett, who spent ten years researching the relationship between posture and gravitational force, and the result is a recliner from carbon fiber, which we manage with gesticulation and body tilts, despite not using electronics. Tilting is based on intelligent design. In a supine position the forces are most evenly distributed and then the force on the body is almost zero, so the position gives the feeling of weightlessness. When the desired position is reached, it is fixed with a special lever.

The seat cover is made made of highly elastic VE-foam (memory foam), upholstered in Scandinavian leather. A perfect chair, then. The only problem? The price. You have to shell out as much as 23 thousand euros for it! They sat down made to order and tailored to the customer, so it is necessary before purchase prior consultation.

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