
Ember cup: so that your coffee never gets cold

Starbucks is known to most people only as a store of snacks and coffee, which is served to us in pots with our names on them. The company recently also offered customers the innovative Ember cup, thereby letting it be known that it wants to focus on the technological field.

Since the holidays are approaching, the company has traditionally decided to design pots of special colors and patterns in accordance with the Christmas spirit. If the pots didn't impress you, well Starbucks offers a new ceramic mug Ember, which will help you keep your coffee warm.

Embrace yourself connects to your smartphone via Bluetooth. This allows you to set the desired drink temperature. Even if you forget about the already prepared cup of coffee, you will not have to drink cold coffee.

Starbucks' technological innovation is, however, available for now only in 4,600 US stores at a price 80 dollars. We can hope that soon we will also be able to buy it near Slovenia.

Starbucks' technological innovation is currently only available in 4,600 stores in the United States at a price of $80.
Starbucks' technological innovation is currently only available in 4,600 stores in the United States at a price of $80.

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