
The days of EO Smart 2 or lateral parking are numbered – a smart car that can drive sideways

EO Smart 2 - a smart car that can turn its wheels 90 degrees.

Although the word smart is given to the Smart vehicle by birth, it is actually just a small and not particularly smart vehicle. A truly smart vehicle must be able to drive itself and sideways, as the Smart small EO Smart ''Connecting Car'' 2 knows. rush hour traffic is a nightmare and a free parking space is a wish.

Although it is smart car EO Smart "Connecting Car" 2 just a prototype, some of its innovations offer a glimpse into the future of smart and flexible vehicles. With large windows and doors with lifting opening otherwise it reminds of something that would be brought from the future. And that's how it drives. All four wheels of the EO 2 car turn by 90 degrees, which means that they can also be completely perpendicular to the body. This system allows it not only to rotate in a perfect circle, but also to drive diagonally and driving sideways, which could mean end of side parking. Did you feel the relief too?

EO Smart 2 is the city car of the future, which will send side parking into eternal hunting grounds.
EO Smart 2 is the city car of the future, which will send side parking into eternal hunting grounds.

And even if you are such a skilled driver, sometimes the parking space is simply too small for you, even if you have such a small vehicle. 750-kilogram EO 2 also has a solution to such a conundrum, as it can compress or partially fold in on itself like a crab or an armadillo (from 2.5 meters shrinks to 1.5 meters length, and all wheels remain on the ground in the meantime).

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As if all this were not enough, the Germans want s the "Platoon" concept (simultaneous driving principle) to reinvent daily transportation (to work, to the store,...). Each EO 2 is connected to another EO 2 car. When the system is activated, it becomes a car wagon, but together they form a species a train of cars. The big advantage of this is that drivers connected to the Platoon "network" can give hands off the wheel and they enjoy it, because the car then switches to self-driving mode driving. And you go to work in the same way as in your own compartment on the train. So far, it is not known when and if at all the EO 2 will hit the roads.

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