
They break the routine: 13 intimate mistakes that ruin your relationship

Photo: envato

Have you ever wondered why your intimate relationships sometimes seem to fall short of expectations? Although we all strive to be the best partners, we often unknowingly make mistakes that can put a damper on our romance. Many times it's about small but important mistakes that we don't even notice, but they have a big impact on our relationships.

In this article, we will reveal 13 common mistakes that many people are not aware of and offer tips on how to eliminate them and thereby improve your intimacy. Get ready to refresh your love life!

1. Following film scripts

Romantic movies are full of illusions. If you expect your love life to be like a movie, you're likely to be disappointed. Real life is full of imperfections and these are what make relationships unique.

Photo: envato

2. Silence about desires

Talking about intimacy is uncomfortable for many people. But without communication, it is difficult to achieve satisfaction. Tell your partner what you want and be open to their wishes.

3. Selfish in bed

It is also important to think about your partner's wishes and needs. Intimacy is a shared experience where both partners play an important role. Communication and caring for the other are the keys to a harmonious relationship.

4. A serious toy

Intimacy can be fun! Laughter and relaxation enhance the experience. Don't be afraid to show your funny side sometimes - it only deepens the connection.

5. Focus on climax

Intimacy isn't just about climaxing. Enjoy the process and the exploration. Remember that the journey to the destination is often more important than the destination itself.

6. Mind reading

Your partner can't read minds. Say what you want and ask what your partner wants. Open communication prevents misunderstandings and improves experiences.

Photo: envato

7. Monotonous poses

It's time for change! Don't be afraid to try something new. Diversity can bring freshness to your intimate life and deepen your connection.

8. Dependence on a partner for satisfaction

Find a balance and don't put all the responsibility on your partner. Getting to know your own needs and desires is the key to mutual satisfaction.

9. Underestimating the importance of intimacy

It is important to find a balance between high and low libido. Respect your partner's wishes and find common ground.

10. Rejection without feeling

Rejecting intimacy can have a negative effect on your partner. Pay attention to his feelings and find a way to talk about the problems.

11. The Golden Rule

Don't do to your partner what you want them to do to you. Know his true wishes and respect them. Mutual understanding is the key to satisfaction.

Photo: envato

12. Skin – the largest organ

Explore skin and its possibilities to increase pleasure. The skin is the largest organ and is key to enjoying intimacy.

13. What after intimacy?

What happens after intimacy is just as important. Talking after an action strengthens the emotional connection and improves future experiences. A short conversation, caresses or relaxing together can deepen your bond.

Open communication and experimentation will improve your intimate life. Be brave, honest and ready to explore new possibilities for an even better connection with your partner.

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