
Ethec: the electric motorcycle that sets new standards


Ethec is the brainchild of young and perhaps the most advanced minds at the moment. Behind the Ethec electric motorcycle project are 13 mechanical engineering students, an electrical engineering student and 2 industrial design students in Zurich, Switzerland.

Ethec should put the importance of the electric motorcycle on the absolute a new level. With a sophisticated energy recovery system and a newly developed system for optimal battery cooling, they will allow us to go with a full battery 400 kilometers far away. In this way, motorized electric mobility will also be able to go from cities to the countryside and to other more distant places. A battery consisting of 1260 cells, with a total capacity 15 kilowatt hours. The battery has an efficient cooling system, which will prevent it from overheating, and thus strongly extended battery life.

When braking with a motorcycle, approx 75 % braking forces spread on the front wheel. This represents a large amount lost energy, which could be 'captured' and stored in a battery. Because of this, most motorcycles do not have effective electrical energy recovery, and Ethec solved this problem in a rather simple way. They set him up two electric motors, one to the front wheel and the other to the rear wheel. Ethec is thus the first electric motorcycle in the world, which also has an electric motor in the front wheel, which ensures a high recuperation of the braking force and its change in electricity. Ethec is not among the most powerful motorcycles, it just has 68 horsepower, but it is definitely honey the most innovative.

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