
Ethno Urban Festival 2013 – Culinary evening

June 6, 2013 - Culinary evening: Tastes and experiences of the world: Brazilian cuisine The evening will be interspersed with world cuisine under the expert guidance of chefs from the Celje High School for Hospitality and Tourism. We will learn about the origin of food, its practical use in everyday life, recipes - little secrets of the great masters...

Important information
Atrium of the Celje Youth Center, Celje
Facebook event
Entrance fee
15 - 20 €

June 6, 2013 - Culinary evening: Tastes and experiences of the world: Brazilian cuisine

The evening will be interspersed with world cuisine under the expert guidance of chefs from the Celje High School for Hospitality and Tourism. We will learn about the origin of food, its practical use in everyday life, recipes - little secrets of the great masters, and a selection of wines presented by a Slovenian winemaker.

Entrance fee: A ticket purchased before May 23, 2013 is as much as 25% cheaper, at a price of 15 EUR. From May 23 until the day of the event or ticket sale, EUR 20.

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