
Eurostat 2015: Slovenians are less satisfied with life than the average European

The European statistical office Eurostat has provided fresh data on satisfaction with various aspects of life. The general assessment is that Slovenians are less satisfied with life than the average European. A score of 7.0 brought us to a place below the EU average (on a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 is complete dissatisfaction and 10 is complete satisfaction), namely the average of the European Union is 7.1. Otherwise, we have given our financial picture the biggest "breakdown".

Slovenes we are in evaluation satisfaction with various aspects of life, which he passed Eurostat, the highest score attached interpersonal relationships, but we are the most rumbled the financial situation. The first-mentioned category is otherwise the most rated among the respondents to which they belong persons older than 16 years, as it had the highest rating from most of the members. We're even here above the EU average, which is at 7.8, as we assessed satisfaction with interpersonal relationships with 8,3, but most of all, they want "the neighbor's cow to moo" Bulgarians (5.7). The champions in this item are the Irish (8.6).

READ MORE: What means the most in life to Slovenians and people in other countries of the world? #infographics

Slovenians, like the rest of Europe, are the least satisfied with our financial situation.
Slovenians, like the rest of Europe, are the least satisfied with our financial situation.

Eurostat somehow couldn't pass the question about finances, which deserved the lowest marks as expected. The crisis that has been ravaging the Old Continent for (too) long has left visible traces everywhere. When evaluating financial situations we Slovenians came out with a rating of 5.6, while the EU average is one percent higher (6.0). Here, too, he reigns at the bottom Bulgaria with an assessment 3,7, and they are on her heels Greeks (4.3). They rated their financial situation best Swedes (7.6) and Finns (7.5). This is also the category with the largest gap between the highest and lowest average scores (3,9).

We Slovenians are relatively satisfied with our jobs.
We Slovenians are relatively satisfied with our jobs.

The members also awarded prizes in the area of work, travel time to and from work, use of time, housing, living environment and recreational and green areas. Among these, Slovenians are most satisfied with green areas and areas for recreation (7.9), and least satisfied with the use of time (6.8). Job satisfaction is rated relatively high (7.3) - they reign supreme here Denmark and Finland with 8.1-, and the rest of the ratings are also between 7.6 and 7.8.

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