
This is proof of how dramatically we can improve our appearance

Even ordinary people can improve their appearance, and these transformations prove it

People are changing day by day. It may seem that we are the same all the time, but our facial features, body shape, behavior and more change. If you go to Konstantin Bogomolov's studio, you will become a completely new person overnight.

You feel today good in your own skin, tomorrow you won't like the way you look anymore – you feel fat, it's on your skin too many wrinkles, you also found it on the head gray hair. You can do all that you improve by going to the studio of h Konstantin Bogomolov, who works miracles. From person 'average looking' will create a dream a beauty or a beauty.

Constantine invites to his studio different people, to become his models – from senior to junior students. Each person individually examine and do plan, how should after the transformation of the person was also seen. And there are results impressive.

Gallery: Transformations of people

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