
Even a woman who loves you very, very much will leave you because of it

Photo: envato

Love for a man is strong, but it can start quickly - even the woman who loves you very, very much will leave you because of it.

We know how to love women strongly, faithfully and unwavering – but even such affection is not unconditional. For most women, only maternal love is unconditional, but love for a partner can be one way or another they start. And even a woman who loves very, very much can leave.

Why will even a woman who loves you very, very much leave you?

He can't rely on you.

Even modern, independent women (just like modern, independent men) need support now and then. 

How she looks is too important to you.

By no means are we saying that looks aren't important, but an excessive obsession with your partner's figure and grooming can become constricting. 

No girl wants to be concerned only with her looks.
No girl wants to be concerned only with her looks.

Don't feel like she's the only one for you.

We are not talking about cheating, but about the lack of feeling that she is the most important woman for you. 

You control her too much.

Jealousy is an emotion that every healthy and functional person knows. However, if occasional jealousy turns into controlling behavior, the woman of your dreams may slip away. 

There is nothing wrong with you.

If you are not satisfied with anything for a long period of time, regardless of how much your partner pleases you, you run the risk that one day she will be upset. 

She's tired of her taking care of the spark between you two.

A relationship does not exist and develop by itself, but requires a lot of care, attention and sacrifice. If it happens unilaterally, the person may get tired of it.

Both of you have to invest in the relationship.
Both of you have to invest in the relationship.

They are from different worlds.

Sometimes they just aren't a good combination. Even strong love sometimes cannot guarantee that they will stay together. 

You are too childish.

Biologically speaking, women are in more of a hurry to have a family than men. If you delay growing up, she might not wait for you forever. 

You are too childish.
You are too childish.

You don't know what you want.

Many women understand that life is complicated, and important decisions need time to be able to respond to them correctly. However, a woman can get tired of waiting if you don't decide what you want from a relationship and life for a long time. 

Your plans for the future are different.

If you want a family and she doesn't want children, she'd rather do something else, and they can't find a compromise, the harsh truth is that few relationships pass such tests. 

Your plans for the future are different.
Your plans for the future are different.

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