
Every zodiac sign makes typical mistakes in relationships that destroy the relationship

Photo: envato

Let's be real, nobody is perfect. Love relationships we have been in or are in - teach us a lot about ourselves and how we treat people.

Regardless of whether it's a failed relationship or one where we got out and stayed friends with our ex-partner, we can see a pattern of behavior.

The pattern is easiest to see when it comes to toxic relationships. Some people simply do not know how to choose partners who will respect them, but go from one bad relationship to another.

Let's see - what are your relationship mistakes according to your astrological sign.

Aries - they do not take the relationship with their partner seriously

If you've been with an Aries, you've definitely experienced him ignoring you and putting your relationship aside. Some of their statements or behaviors indicate that they don't care about you. You feel like you mean nothing to them.

Taurus - they cannot express their emotions

Tauruses don't know how to talk to their partner about how they feel, so it often seems like they don't care. But if you insist long enough that they tell you how they feel, and at the same time give them the space to understand that they need to communicate with you - they can be great partners in a relationship.


Gemini - They give up on the relationship before it ends

Geminis are known for letting go of love relationships that had potential. This does not mean that they are callous, but that they are simply not willing to make sacrifices for certain things. When they feel that something requires too much energy - they simply withdraw.

Cancer - lose themselves in the character of the person they are in a relationship with

Cancers are extremely emotional and quickly become attached to others. This applies to the friendships they form as well as romantic relationships. In this flood of emotions, what happens is that they completely lose their identity and merge with the character of the person they are with.


Leo - expresses his displeasure by arguing

Leo has strong energy. He's perfect when life is good, but when trouble strikes, he can be extremely awkward. If he has a partner, he relies on being able to solve everything on his own, but often runs into a dead end. When this happens, he expresses dissatisfaction with his partner.

Virgo - they try to change their partners

Virgos are known for wanting to fix all the people in their lives. They set certain standards for themselves and think that they are always right, even though it is clear to everyone that they are not. They take the fact that they have to "change" their partners to be perfect for them too seriously.


Libra - they can be passive-aggressive

Libra has the best fake smile of all the signs. They know when to smile and when to frown. Often they can't hide their feelings, which sounds good at first, but they can't control themselves. It happens that the partner is suffocated with attention and love - which ultimately drives him away.

Scorpio - They always have to be right

With them, there is always either war or peace. They don't know how to be in the middle. They are people of extremes - either they fall madly in love or they don't care at all. When they get into a relationship with someone, they often fight until they get theirs. Such things repel a partner.

Sagittarius - they are not honest with their partners

This sign is known for its love of experimentation and often expects the same from its partner. When he comes across someone who is not always ready for action and lives a little more relaxed life, he becomes dissatisfied. This dissatisfaction often becomes intense and they do not know how to talk about it with their partner - which creates a big problem.


Capricorn - they always expect their partner to leave them

Capricorns like to be part of love. They are not afraid to sacrifice everything for the relationship. All this lasts until their inner pessimist says - maybe he will leave you. That's when everything inside them gets confused and they shut down completely, waiting for the worst to happen. Of course, this does not mean that they are pessimistic people, but it happens that they fall into dark episodes. If you and your partner can't talk, it's easy to end the relationship.

Aquarius - they always have to win

Like Scorpios, Aquarians like to always be right. Not so much, but they like it. When they get into a romantic relationship, they plan everything well. When someone falls for them, they like to take control. Not in a toxic way, of course, but - they like to be right and win arguments.


Pisces - they sacrifice too much for their partner

When it comes to romance, they like to be taken care of. When someone meets these expectations, they know how to look away from all of their partner's red flags. Their biggest mistake is that in the desire not to put others in a bad mood - they lose themselves.

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