
Every woman has 4 important roles in life: check which one you are in and what it brings you

A woman's life is like a puzzle - it consists of many small parts, each of which is equally important and necessary.

As women, we often seek balance and compromises between ourselves and others, work and family, between "I want" and "should", between planning for the future and the need to be present in the present moment.

Every role in life is given to us for a reason that is more important than the opinions of the immediate or wider environment. When we shift our attention from others to ourselves, we will realize that each role is given to us with the purpose of getting to know ourselves better and reaching our maximum potential.

There are four key female roles that define us throughout life and each of them teaches us something and serves as a support and pillar of our inner stability.

A daughter

The role of daughter is the only role we do not choose. From childhood, we carry an image of ourselves that we believed in. If we had good parents, we carried a sense of love and protection from this role throughout our lives. If the relationship between the parents was not good, it can happen that they make decisions based on negative beliefs and fears for the rest of their lives.

Regardless of the past, it is important to know that for each of us there comes a moment when we realize that we are the creators of our own destiny. We choose what we will believe. Which part of ourselves and our childhood do we want to accept and keep, and which part do we want to leave behind as excess baggage that is not worth carrying with us.

With the role of a woman's daughter, we realize that we have control over our thoughts and that it is important to consciously carry with us only what will serve us from childhood.

Life partner

We usually bring all our expectations, fears and beliefs that we got growing up into a partnership. If we think about it, this is not fair to us and to our partner, because in this way we deprive the relationship from the very beginning of the opportunity to build and develop in its own unique way.

It is crucial for a woman to learn through this role how to grow together with her partner and stand behind her values and attitudes. In a partnership, they should learn to set healthy boundaries and respect each other's boundaries.

The role of a partner in a partnership teaches us that there are several languages of love, because for some of us love is expressed through words and touches, and for others through concrete actions and help.

The most important thing is that through this role we learn to see the truth from several perspectives and to be able to treat ourselves from a different point of view.


This is the role through which we women get to know ourselves best. This role puts us in a position to face our fears and to push the limits of our abilities and endurance. We realize that we can be strong and vulnerable at the same time. We cry over little things and survive the impossible. With motherhood, we monitor the growth and development of children and learn the art of transformation and growth.

We know that it is much more important to listen and hear than to speak. To create, support and provide words of support when most needed.

In this role, we consciously neglect ourselves and voluntarily stand somewhere hidden in the background. Children mean everything in the world to us.

Through the role of mother, we grow and support the values we believe in. If we value ourselves and see the results of our work, the work through which we progress ourselves, we have the opportunity to leave a real mark on the children's future.

A confident woman

It is a process of personal knowledge. Who are we when we belong to nobody? Does the profession with which we implement business and build a career define us? Is this our mission that we achieve through our work? The process of self-realization of a woman is extremely important because it is the basis of our self-identification for the realization of our inner potential.

It is important for every woman and her integrity to know the answer to the question of what she really wants, what she likes, what she is good at and how to find a way to realize her ambitions and ideas.

The only person we always stay with is me and we need to get to know each other well. This role serves as a support for us in the most difficult moments of life, when we are wounded, abandoned, disappointed - it can be the strength that will lift us up and encourage us to move forward.

Life force and motivation rarely come from outside, every day we must strive for self-sufficient internal motivation, which will be our driving force in the difficult life moments that each of us goes through.

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