
We throw away 88 million tons of food waste every year in Europe

Do something good for the planet

How many times have you thrown away packaged food that has expired, or has the taste and texture of the food changed? All this just because you forgot about the food in the fridge in the crowd of other foods? Bad organization of refrigerators and improper storage of food costs us more than necessary, but it is also one of the main culprits in the creation of an alarmingly large amount of food waste. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations warns that if food that becomes waste were a country, it would be the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world.

Organization is half the job

Good fridge organization reduce the proportion of expired food, and thus consequently reduces the amount of waste. For a better transparency of the foods we have available, some tips should be followed. Experience says they are upper shelves refrigerators perfect for storing foods that can be consumed immediately, middle shelf level is optimal for storing dairy products, the lower part of but it is intended for meat and fish. Drawers in the door they are most suitable for the foods we use most often and want to have immediately at hand - for example, juices, sauces, milk and spices. Optimal Fresh + technology, included in Samsung refrigerators, offers a sliding mechanism that separates the drawer into two parts with different temperatures. Meat and fish require a lower storage temperature than other foods and with Optimal Fresh + technology you will be able to lower the temperature in the area where you store such foods. Additional drawer with Humidity Fresh + technology and enables the optimal humidity in the container to be set, thus preserving the freshness of delicate fruits and vegetables for longer.

Reliable new technologies

It used to be believed that food should be stored higher up in the refrigerator, where the temperatures were supposed to be lower. Today, this is no longer the case - today, refrigerators are designed to cool the entire refrigerator in the same way, allowing us to make the best use of every corner of the refrigerator. With help No Frost technology and carefully designed air vents that stand out Samsung RB7300 refrigerator, complete and uniform cooling of food on all seven shelf levels is guaranteed. Additionally, they also use less energy, which prevents the formation of ice and eliminates the need to defrost the refrigerator in the warmer months. In addition, No Frost technology cools food much faster, which puts less strain on the cooling system and extends the life of the refrigerator.

Do not duplicate foods

Although it sounds obvious, impulse purchases and grocery shopping without a pre-prepared list are the main culprits in overloading the fridge and throwing away food. Research conducted by Samsung at European level shows that as much as 48 percent of purchased food ends up in the bins for trash. Therefore, before shopping, take the time to take a good look at what's already in your fridge so that you don't double up on food by shopping. And a cursory look at the contents of the refrigerator is not enough, but a really detailed examination of the food that you left at its bottom or in separate compartments. With this simple move, you will saved money, managed the available space more efficiently and did something good for the planet.

Are you thinking of buying a new refrigerator today?

It's a hot summer ahead of us and you'll need plenty of cold drinks to keep you cool, but you certainly won't need an icy fridge. Samsung has prepared for you special promotion, which lasts until June 30. When you buy a Samsung refrigerator with No Frost technology, which prevents the accumulation of ice and keeps your food fresh, you will receive 20 % discount. When you buy a refrigerator until July 31st, you will also be able to enjoy the complete freshness of food without worry - namely you will receive extended 5-year warranty.

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