
Astronomically Weirdest Friday: Solar Eclipse, Equinox and Supermoon

Partial solar eclipse in Slovenia.

Today's Friday is astronomically one of the most bizarre days, as several celestial phenomena coincide, which evoke mysticism! The solar eclipse that will take place today, March 20, 2015, will begin around 10:30 in the morning, and it will peak around 10:40. The day is more than ideal, and you will be able to see it all over Slovenia. And don't miss it, because the solar eclipse will then "eclipse" until 2022. Today is also the spring solstice or equinox, the night in which witches prefer to dance and is considered one of the most mystical nights of the year. Some believe that today will be the end of the world!

Partial solar eclipse I couldn't have chosen a better day. The sky in Slovenia is relatively clear everywhere, so that no one will be deprived of it. In Ljubljana, it will start two minutes after half past ten (10.32), and the sun will be most "shy" at 10.40 (then it will be covered by the most of the moon). You have until 11.52, when he should fully step out of the moon's "shadow". And although we are all looking at the same sun and the same moon, it is worth adding that those in the east of the country will receive everything just under two minutes earlier than those in the capital, and those in the west just as much later.

READ MORE: Astronomical phenomena in 2015

The maximum, which is 68 percent of the diameter of the Sun, will be covered by the Moon at 10:40.
The maximum, which is 68 percent of the diameter of the Sun, will be covered by the Moon at 10:40.

If you want to watch it, don't stare at the sun without protection. It should be added that sunglasses are not enough, so if you put something on your eyes, you need them special filters, which are available in astronomy stores (special glasses are also available). Thankfully, not at astronomical prices. If you want group observation, it's not too late to wave it at Kongresni trg in Ljubljana. But if you prefer lunar eclipses, you too will get to your account fairly soon. The next one will be on April 4, but the one seen from Slovenia, which will be perfect, will only appear September 28, 2015.

He also performs today equinox (also equinox). This one is the day in astronomy and geography when the Sun is seemingly exactly above the equator in the sky. This happens twice a year, around March 21 (the vernal equinox and the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere, and vice versa in the southern hemisphere) and around September 23 (the autumnal equinox and the beginning of autumn in the northern hemisphere, and vice versa in the southern hemisphere). In practice, such an event means that the Sun will be above the horizon for exactly the same amount of time as below the horizon. An extraordinary number of mystical traditions are also associated with this day or night. Stonehenge, however, aligns with the sun these days.

Because of all the phenomena on this day, many claim that a new era in human history is on the horizon. Some cults associate this day with the arrival of a "new" savior. Still others claim that today marks the end of human civilization.

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