
Everyone is the maker of their own luck: don't delay and gather courage!

Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Don't delay, live - now! There will never be a good time to make a move or tell someone you like them. Say goodbye to all questions and embrace the challenges and experiences along the way. Live your lives!

Don't delay when you want to change your life

Whether you end a relationship or distance yourself from a toxic person or quit your current job, it's best to do it as soon as possible. Cut ties early enough to remove pain and suffering from your life.

You know what to do

You are afraid to follow it. You are worried about the consequences. You worry about how you will cope with the change. If you are not happy, tomorrow will be no different - you will not be happy. Unless you change things. Unless you take no action. When you end a relationship, forget about it. Stop thinking about him. Stop wondering what if.

Believe in yourself! Live your life. Photo: Joshua Reddekopp / Unsplash

Don't procrastinate because you can't run away from problems

You can't ignore them until they're gone. You can't pretend they don't exist and you don't have to deal with them. You will have to deal with them eventually. Better to tackle it now so you can get over it as soon as possible and move on with your life. Don't postpone the inevitable. Be strong. Be brave. Know that you can handle whatever the universe throws your way. It may be bad, but you can do it.

Don't procrastinate when it comes to your dreams

There will never be a good time to ask someone out or change careers or… If you want an excuse, you'll always find one. You can always find more reasons why you shouldn't take the risk. There will always be some obstacle in your way. You must not allow external factors to influence you. You don't make excuses. Don't wait for the perfect moment because it will never come.

Don't be afraid! Go! Photo: Henry Ravenscroft/Unsplash

Don't procrastinate because you're afraid you won't succeed

Maybe the person you like will reject you. You may not get your dream job. You may find it difficult to achieve the desired success. But who cares if you fail? Nothing in life will be given to you. The only way to get better at something is to try. No one succeeds on the first try. Everyone is constantly falling and fighting on. Be patient and persistent. Do your best. Resist the urge to give up. Don't give up.

Happiness does not come alone

If you're unhappy because you didn't succeed - take action. Take a step forward and create a better and brighter future for yourself. It all depends on you.

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