
Everyone's going on an astrotourism vacation this year - are you going too?

Everyone's going on an astrotourism vacation this year - are you going too?

Astrophysics is no longer just a matter for scientists. Stargazing isn't just for hippies. Maybe it's Instagram's fault because everyone wants to take the perfect photo of the stars and prove how connected they are to the Universe? Or is it simply that we look to the sky out of desperation? Whoever is "guilty", this instant astrotourism getaway is a must-have vacation.

years ago, including last year 2018, the journey was marked glamping in 101 ways – a lot has been created in Slovenia as well resorts, in which you were able to connect with sustainable way of life. And this year will be no different, as it will be tourism in the sign of environmentally friendly travel, which includes observation of celestial bodies!

We present to you astrotourism, which can be found on almost all continents and includes observation of celestial bodies from hotel accommodation or tent, visits facilities, associated with astronomy, such as observatories, and coexistence with nature.

Astrotourism is a new type of vacation!
Astrotourism is a new type of vacation!

The rise of astrotourism is probably related to To the solar eclipse of 2017, which was viewed by more than 50,000 AirBnb guests from 26 countries. The demand for telescopes has increased greatly since then, so it now has more than 3000 AirBnb accommodation this device.

Even if astrotourism flourished mainly in USA, where a large network of astroparks was created, you can also enjoy a starry break in Europe – the closest point from where you can observe what is happening in the sky is at Norway, in the city of Mosjøen. It can be admired from a small mountain town in the north of Norway Roman road, stars, phenomenon Aurora (spring and autumn). The availability of hotels is good, and so is the city connected to other major cities in Norway.

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