
Anyone who is in a bad relationship should read this

There is no true love without respect. - Immanuel Kant

We've all been in a relationship that we knew was going nowhere. But that person was simply disguised as a prince on a white horse, and we couldn't just give up on him.

If you realize your relationship is toxic and going nowhere, these are just a few things you need to hear to make sure the wrong people are a thing of the past.

With the wrong person, you will be even more lonely than if you were single

Many people stay in bad relationships for the simple reason that they fear loneliness. Perhaps the scariest part of any breakup is realizing that you are no longer a part of something, and that you are now completely alone in everything you do.

However, spending time with family, friends or yourself is a much better option for you than spending time with a person who does not value you, belittles you and has no understanding for you. You will always feel lonely in such a relationship, even if that person is sitting right next to you.

If in doubt, it's over

The moment you realize that this person is not the right choice for you, start doubting their sincerity or loyalty, or even start thinking about other people yourself - it's time to end this relationship.

You will mostly understand these things intuitively, but there will also be many small signals that you may notice when you are in your partner's company. If you or your partner are not fully committed to each other, it is better to cut off all contact before you hurt each other.

NO is not a bad word

The word is not really a word that people should use much more often to protect themselves and their environment from unpleasant situations and negative feelings. Compromise and compassion are key to any relationship, so don't hesitate to reject your partner or make it clear when you don't want something.

If he loves and respects you, he won't have a problem with it. It will not be difficult for him to reach an agreement that will benefit both of them. But if he opposes it, you know it should become a part of your past.

If in doubt, it's over.

Make peace with your mistakes

No one is infallible, so don't be too hard on yourself or your partner. It is very important that you look at your mistakes realistically and realize that at some point you too were the reason for an argument or misunderstanding. But never accuse or blame yourself because your relationship isn't working. A relationship is a two-way street.

Hiding does nothing good

If you are trying to get out of a toxic relationship in a painless way, it is best to present the reasons for this to your partner. Be honest and warn them about their toxic behavior and don't hide why you want to leave the relationship. Hiding things can only hurt your ex even more and everything can become much more painful if they find out about these things from other people.

Be sure of what love is

It often happens that you mistake passion, habit or illusions for love and convince yourself that this is exactly what you dreamed about. True love will feel safe and loved and will not be based on emotional blackmail and manipulation.

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