
Everything I learned when you left me!

Photo: envato

I never needed to say this, but thank you for breaking my heart.

You showed me the darkest parts of infatuation, love and relationships. You showed me what it's like to be in a toxic, draining, low-vibration relationship. You showed me what it's like to stay in it, not out of love, but out of comfort.

You showed me that no matter how much you give to someone, it will never be enough for the wrong person. You could go to the other end of the world for her and they will still never repay you for the amount of love you have for her.

You showed me the topic of your insecurities and flaws when you were angry or upset. You were living proof that just because I gave you my body didn't mean you had my soul - you never did.

Grateful that you are no longer by my side! Photo: Aranprime / Unsplash

I am grateful to you for everything, for the lessons you have instilled in my heart. You showed me that I was always more than enough but you weren't the right person to see it.

You showed me how much of myself I can give in hopes of making someone a better person or trying to save them from their own darkness. But you also showed me that it was never my job to save you.

She could never save you or change you into a different person if you don't want to.

Most importantly, you proved to me that the love we had was never based on anything real; it was based solely on the need for this relationship.

Thank you for having the courage to do the one thing I always wanted to do - you left.

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