
This is exactly how excessive stress affects our body and mind

Anxiety is directly related to stress.

In modern times, stress management is an increasingly important skill. Overloading with various obligations at work and in private life can be reflected in a whole range of negative consequences.

What happens when we let stress take over our lives? Although stress also has positive effects, as it mainly helps with motivation, an excessive amount of stress is harmful in the long term. This time they shared tips for dealing with stress Nicky Lidbetter and Stephen Buckley from organizations Anxiety and Mind.

Mental health

Anxiety, which can be characterized as a psychological and physical response to environmental stress, prevents people from realizing their potential. If you notice signs of depression, you should seek professional help as soon as possible.

Anxiety is directly related to stress.
Anxiety is directly related to stress.

Physical symptoms

Stress affects people in different ways. For example, it impairs the quality of sleep and the ability to concentrate, and at the same time stress can make us agitated and emotional. We must not forget about headaches, problems with breathing and blood pressure.

Substance abuse

More and more people are turning to alcohol and illegal drugs due to the cramped conditions. Such a stress coping strategy contributes to the deterioration of health, so it is definitely not useful.

How to deal with stress?

If you're dealing with stress, the first thing you need to do is learn how to manage the pressure. You have to start with small things. It is important to manage your time properly and improve communication with your superiors.

Good communication with employers helps to reduce stress.
Good communication with employers helps to reduce stress.

Relaxation will also help you overcome obstacles. A great way to calm down is breathing exercises that will only take you a few minutes a day. It is also necessary to devote some time to physical exercise and get enough sleep.

If you cannot get rid of the symptoms of stress, we recommend that you first share your problems with your loved ones, and then with your doctor.

You should not hide your stress problems.
You should not hide your stress problems.

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