
That's exactly what you are in romantic relationships, according to your astrological sign

This is all the horoscope knows about your romantic life!

Are you jealous? Are you too friendly? Do you love with all your heart?

People are different in their personal and business lives. This is particularly evident in relationships, as some people build high walls around themselves after being disappointed.

What are you like according to astrology and your astrological sign.


1. You always want to be dominant in a relationship,
2. so much so that you disregard your partner's feelings.
3. Although you have a good heart, it is difficult to show it to others.

Aries have a very strong and firm personality.
They need someone who is patient and confident. Although you have good intentions, you struggle to show your emotions. In love, you are constantly worried. When you want to help someone, you try too hard and scare a lot of people. Many of your relationships will end quickly if you do not learn to control your emotions.


1. You don't think when you talk.
2. You think too much about yourself.
3. Don't let others see your soft heart.

You are communicative and express your views loudly.
You have a hard time letting people come to you. Sometimes you inadvertently offend them because you don't know how to express yourself properly and react incorrectly in a fit of anger. You are a bit too open and honest. Learn to listen to people and try to understand them.


1. You think too much about the destination, not the journey.
2. When you fall, never fall slowly.
3. You don't see what you have until you lose it.

Geminis often focus only on themselves and their goals.
While it's good to be goal-oriented, always put work before your relationships. This makes you very successful in the business world. But what good is your success if you have no one to share it with. You see things in black and white. When you find love, you quickly jump into it, and many times scare your partner because you want to get married after only a few dates. You don't value the relationships you have. You devote yourself more to other things than your partner, because of this they leave you, even though they loved you


1. Sometimes you are almost too kind,
2. that people think they can walk all over you.
3. It's important that if you want your relationship to go in a certain direction, you have to ask for it.

Cancer is one of the nicest people in the world and has an old soul.
Love takes you into unhealthy relationships because opposites attract. You choose the type of people you can fix. This person is your personal project. You are looking for relationships where you have to invest a lot of your time to maintain them. But at times you feel empty. There are times when you just want someone to give you at least half of what you give to others. There are times when you just want a simple relationship and then you choose someone who doesn't need your help.


1. You swear you hate relationships and feelings,
2. and you pretend like you don't care about anyone.
3. But someone will suddenly completely overwhelm you when you least expect it.

Leo is perfectly content without relationships.
You focus much more on your friends and family. You are a mischievous person. The one that people say is sweet and good to be around. Regardless of whether you've fallen in love, you don't want a relationship anyway. But someone won't give up on you as quickly as others. You push them away from you out of fear. But you will be happiest in life when you find the courage to tear down your walls, at least for a little while. Because when the right person comes along, you won't have to resort to a defense mechanism and pretend you don't care.

A virgin

1. You are overly critical of yourself.
2. Sometimes you are too serious,
3. even though you are very shy at first.

Virgo is one of the more sensitive signs, struggling to find balance at all times.
You tend to focus on the future and worry about the past. You put up walls out of fear that no one will hurt you. In relationships, you're looking for someone who is everything you can imagine someone can be. You judge people too quickly and leave before you even get to know them and find out that they are actually the right person for you. Don't be so serious, it's okay to let go sometimes and allow yourself to be happy.


1. You are afraid of making the same mistakes you have made in the past.
2. You compare everything to your ex.
3. You don't love yourself enough.

Libra loves hard.
They show their affection through actions. Rejections in the past make you question your worth, but instead of seeing it as their loss if they didn't want you in their life anymore, not yours, you look to yourself for reasons and stress too much about it. Take a step back and try to improve the relationship you have with yourself. Once you do, you won't look back and think your ex was so wonderful. You compare everything to this person, but the truth is, if you were this great, your relationship wouldn't have ended. The only way to love again is to be brave enough to let the person back into your life.


1. You don't give people a fair chance.
2. You have realistic standards for a partner.
3. Struggle with letting go of the past.

Scorpios tend to be very judgmental of themselves and others.
High standards and truly high expectations lead you to great success because you work hard to be the best. But it's hard to live by these standards, it's even harder for others around you. Scorpio's biggest struggle is not to look at the negative parts of other people and judge them based on that instead of giving them a fair chance. Hold grudges. If you argue with a Scorpio, they are brutally honest that you don't even know what to say to them. Their need to always be right will destroy many relationships. Not giving people more than one chance will lead to letting go and losing really good people.


1. Love hard,
2. but you are stubborn.
3. Sometimes you cling to other people.

Sagittarians love people with everything they have.
You've been hurt many times and it takes a while to get over someone. Take time for yourself. A time to be alone and to feel the pain. You close yourself off and disconnect from love, even though you need it most at the time. You tend to test people and put up barriers for yourself out of fear of getting hurt again. But when you are ready to love, you have very stable relationships. And it is these relationships that become the center of your life, which is why it hurts so much when they end. Be more careful.


1. You have trouble choosing the wrong people
2. and always see the best in them.
3. Even when something goes wrong, you don't leave.

A Capricorn is someone with a good heart who sees the best in people, even when someone shows them the exact opposite.
Whether it's casual or romantic relationships, you're choosing the wrong people. And even though your friends and family want what's best for you, sometimes they wonder if you do too. Sometimes you lack confidence. Be careful who you let into your life and into your heart, because it's easy to fall in love with the wrong people. But getting over them is painful.


1. You deny and repress deep emotions.
2. No one realizes how sensitive you are.
3. You need something consistent.

Aquarius tries to be something they are not.
It's okay to admit that you want a relationship, something serious and stable. You have a good heart and care for others, but you have been hurt a lot in the past. So be careful. You hide your feelings. You've been taught that emotions are a sign of weakness, but in reality, emotions are what connect you to people on a deeper level. It's okay to be different and to feel things more - that's your strength. Someone will come into your life and love you the way you want.


1. You are not careful when choosing.
2. You give too much of yourself to others.
3. You understand what is real and what you want to be.

Pisces tend to wear their heart on their palm and see only good in people.
While it's always worth doing your best, it's important to assess whether the person deserves it. You are hopeless romantics and sometimes you only see what a relationship could be, as opposed to what it actually is. This causes you to jump into a relationship too quickly and imagine a future that doesn't exist, ruining relationships before they even begin.

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