
Great tips on how to conquer each astrological sign

You will win over Leo with compliments, Libras love flirting!

Photo: Chermiti Mohamed / Unsplash

Each astrological sign has its own seduction tactics, but also the way in which you can win them over. You might be in the conquest stage, check quickly and make your conquest easier.

Seduction is a skill we use when looking for a partner, where we let the other party know that we are interested through body language, such as touch and speech. Each astrological sign has its own needs, desires and ways of flirting.

Check out how you can conquer each of them.


If you want to win a ram, you have to show them brave. Be honest, tell him what's on your mind. But that doesn't mean you have to fully express all your feelings to him. Play warm - cool games. Aries is a hunter and will be interested in your inaccessibility and unruliness.

Men this sign loves brave women. Look him straight in the eye, approach him, whisper softly in his ear and step away.

Female ask this sign what she likes. Challenge her to talk about herself, be curious, buy her a drink and leave her phone number before you leave.


Remember that you have come across a person for whom material security means more than love. He assumes that he will get to know you only after checking your attitude to money, how much you earn and what kind of apartment you live in. A bull despises predators. Be patient, show him you like him and let him make the first move.

Men in the sign of Taurus, he loves sensual and feminine women. Seduce him subtly without revealing your true intentions.

Invite a woman in this sign for a dinner that you will prepare yourself. Send her a bouquet of red roses or a box of chocolates.

Photo: Hannah Olinger/Unsplash


Don't let him get bored in your company. Laughter and fun conversation are great aphrodisiacs for any twin. If you know how to impress him and arouse his interest with words, you have already done half the work. Tell him the gossip you just heard, tell him jokes, make jokes about yourself. Talk all night long, be socially and politically engaged, energetic and communicative.

Men in this sign he loves spiritual, provocative and slender women, much younger than him. It is important to him how well you are dressed or how you have your own style. First, it will fall on appearance.

Female in this astrological sign, it excites the male mind. You will win them over with wisdom, quotes from movies or passionate storytelling.


You have to be careful and gentle with cancer. Engage in an intimate conversation, share some childhood experiences with him. When you open up to him, he will begin to trust you, which means that he will slowly come out of his shell. Cancer is an emotional person who dreams of a long-term seduction that brings love.

A man this sign is afraid of rejection and may not be the first to approach you. You need to take matters into your own hands and don't forget to let him know how much you love your mom.

Her you approach her with words such as love, security, feeling, family, children... Show her with small favors that she can rely on you.


Flattery and praise will give you amazing results. Because of this, he will not doubt the reality and sincerity of your praise. He needs attention, praise and precious gifts. He will enjoy it if you laugh at his jokes. He is extremely happy to win, but defeat and rejection will hurt his ego very much. If you manage to get to his vulnerable side that he doesn't reveal to anyone, you've probably found your way to his heart.

To a man ask a lion a question: Aren't you tired of being the center of attention all the time? This way, you will easily break through his insecurities and he will take you as his person.

A woman it plays the card of beauty and charm and even impregnability. Show her you're interested, but don't take it a step further. Give her a compliment and walk away. And wait…

A virgin

They are perfectionists and are hard to please in the long run. Let them correct your grammatical mistakes in your messages and accept their criticism with courage.
Listen carefully and with concern when they tell you about their problems. When they realize that you will accept them as they are, with all their faults, you have brought the seduction to an end. But until then, you have to be there for them, send them messages and take care of them more than yourself.

A man a virgin will be won over by details, beautifully painted nails, your smell, emotional restraint and willingness to talk. He wants to get to know you first, let him.

Female you will win a virgin if you do her a favor and don't ask for anything in return. Ask her for her opinion on a problem of yours. Tell her how much you value her opinion.


You will know how much she is interested in you by the compliments she gives you. Tell her about your exciting social life and how nice it would be if you could see each other more often. Come to the first date nicely dressed. She loves good manners, kindness and will fall in love with your charming demeanor.

Men in this sign, he is weak to female beauty, but this is not enough to keep him. You must also interest him intellectually.

A woman Libra loves flirting. Challenge her, send her interesting messages, but don't force her to make a decision. It takes time, but don't give up.

Photo: Cody Black/Unsplash


He loves excitement and a challenge. The longer he conquers you, the more he will warm to you. If he likes you, he will become obsessively attached. If you want to become his obsession, be sexy. Show that you are strong so that he cannot manipulate you. Challenge him with healthy humor.

A man in the sign of Scorpio attracts sexual attraction. Also play the jealousy card. Flirt innocently in front of him and other men. Don't let him win you over right away.

Scorpio woman falls on successful men.


If your heart beats fast in the vicinity of a shooter, you must be clear that you must not threaten his freedom. His weak point is his love of adventure. He is restless and finds it difficult to settle down in a serious relationship, especially when he is young. Don't tell him about the relationship, but about enjoying the two. Let him lead the game, then surprise him with some free-spirited comment.

Men Sagittarius cannot stand fixed and predetermined plans. So disarm him with a strike - let's go and see what happens.

A woman she doesn't like passive and boring men. You need to animate her with your personality, some decent catchy phrase or a long look into her eyes.


If anyone is careful and reserved when it comes to love, it's Capricorn. He will watch you for a long time and patiently and then slowly win you over, provided of course that he doesn't just want flirting, but also a serious relationship. He does not like illusion, false emotions and an unrealistic attitude towards life.

Men Capricorn is cautious, doesn't take risks and plays it safe. If you show him that he can count on you, that you are serious, ambitious and independent, you are already halfway to his heart.

A woman does not fall for gifts or praise. But she likes to hear the words you use to tell her that you would like to get to know her better.


If you decide to approach him, start a friendly conversation to increase your chances. Be honest, simple and don't pretend. When he falls in love, he will show his love to you in a public place or do some original madness. He loves freedom and is looking for an original and independent partner who will not stifle him with trifles and jealousy.

A man you will appeal to this sign by taking a stand on all important political, social or love issues.

A woman Aquarius is informal, forget about rules and restrictions. Surprise her.


They are looking for a devoted and romantic partner, someone to cuddle and talk with for a long time.

So man like woman in this sign, they are too sensitive, capricious, but therefore at the beginning of the courtship you need to be moderate, stable and practical in matters. Don't forget the romance. Play the feeling card.

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