
Great grilling tricks: How to achieve juicy and tender meat with ice

Photo: envato

Are you wondering how to ensure that your grilled meat is always juicy and tender? Or how to prepare the fish so that they don't stick to the grill? Spice up your grilling!

Great Grilling Tricks! Preparing good grilled meat requires more than just placing the meat on hot grates. Here are some unusual but effective tricks.

The mysterious ice cube. Photo: Enriquezafra / Pexels

Cleaning the grill

Start cleaning your grill the safe and natural way. Instead of using metal brushes, which can leave dangerous particles on the grill, use onions. Cut the onion in half and skewer one half on a fork. Rub the cut side over the hot griddle. Onions will remove dirt while adding a nice flavor to your meat.

Juicy patties

One of the best tricks to keep patties juicy is to use an ice cube. After forming patties, press a small ice cube into each patty. During baking, the ice will slowly melt and add moisture to the meat, which will ensure incredibly juicy patties. You will get an even better result if you freeze the beef broth and use it instead of regular ice.

Juicy patties. Photo: Milan / Pexels

Chicken meat

Chicken meat can become dry quickly, so marinate it before roasting. The best marinade is a simple mixture of salt and water. Dissolve half a cup of salt in two cups of water and soak the chicken for at least half an hour. After marinating, rinse the meat well, season as desired and place it on the grill. Meat prepared in this way will be juicy and full of flavor.


When preparing skewers, always soak wooden chopsticks in water for at least half an hour before use. That way they won't burn during baking. Arrange the meat and vegetables evenly on the sticks and turn them from time to time so that they cook evenly. For added convenience, you can string the sausages onto two sticks, which will allow you to turn them in one motion.

Grilled fish

Grilling fish can be challenging as the fish quickly sticks to the grill. To avoid this, coat the fish with olive oil before baking and season with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Heat the grill to high and grill the fish on the hot grill, turning them only once to keep them whole. The fish will thus get a crispy crust, while the inside will remain juicy.

Minced meat

Form the minced meat for grilling into equal balls or patties so that they cook evenly. For extra juiciness, you can use an ice cube or frozen soup to press into the center of each patty. This way, the meat will not dry out during roasting.

When grilling, always have a bottle of water handy, in addition to an ice cube, to extinguish any grease flames. Also do not press the meat with the spatula, as this squeezes out the juices, which causes the meat to be dry.

Enjoy the summer picnics!

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