
Exciting first trailer for Call of Duty: Black Ops III video game

Call of Duty: Black Ops III

The first trailer for the first-person shooter video game Call of Duty: Black Ops III, which continues the Black Ops series - it was first released under the auspices of the game developer Treyarch and Activision in 2010 - will not leave us indifferent. We hear Paint it Black by the Rolling Stones in the background, and a voice says: "Guns have no instinct, no loyalty, and no judgment." Soldiers have that. But what happens when a soldier becomes a weapon? How far can we push technology before it backfires?''

After almost three years of waiting, are you ready for a new one? call of duty? Well, you'll have to wait a little longer before going on the third Black Ops mission, because the shooter video game Call of Duty: Black Ops III, which comes under the tagline "How far are you willing to go?", will not hit the shelves until November 6, 2015.

The new continuation of the Call of Duty franchise and the Black Ops series.
The new continuation of the Call of Duty franchise and the Black Ops series.

We already offer you an appetizer exciting trailer, which paints a very dark picture of the future with a new type of soldier (with many enhancements to human capabilities through technology) and a blurred line between humanity and advanced military robotic technology.

READ MORE: The most anticipated PC games of 2015

So it's time to start training, because the world is counting on you.

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