
Hug exercises

Tjaša and Lena invite their partners to a dance class. Like typical men, they resist decently at first, then grumble and agree - just to keep the house calm. Both couples seem very stable at the beginning of the story, showing signs of a calm multi-year routine. The right people seem to be in the right pairings. But tango...

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Tjaša and Lena invite their partners to a dance class. Like typical men, they resist decently at first, then grumble and agree - just to keep the house calm. Both couples seem very stable at the beginning of the story, showing signs of a calm multi-year routine. The right people seem to be in the right pairings. Tango, however, complicates things a bit. Already in the first lessons, the students are confronted with the Latin culture of touching, as well as with the practice of frequently changing dance partners. Tango is "walking in an embrace", explains the dance teacher. It turns out that all four "merely physically" get along better in exactly the opposite combinations as they live.

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