
Exhibition: City Museum of Ljubljana - A new era is coming! Industry - labor - capital

A new era is coming! Industry – labor – capital is a new project of the Ljubljana City Museum. At the exhibition, which will have its premiere on October 28, 2016, visitors will be able to see a comprehensive overview of industry in Ljubljana: from the beginnings of industrialization to predictions of possible futures. You are welcome.

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Ljubljana City Museum
Facebook event
Entrance fee
4 €

Exhibition titled A new era is coming! Industry - labor - capital will be October 28, 2016 in Ljubljana City Museum opened the door to visitors to the past of the industry and to the prediction of future trends. A new exhibition project will take us through a complete overview of the industry in Ljubljana and also touched on the issues that the future brings.

The invention of the steam train marked a turning point in development
The invention of the steam train marked a turning point in development.

About 200 years ago, the time of a new era began, which largely coincides with the invention of the steam engine. Industrialization it is to a large extent changed the structure of work, and consequently also the way of life and the entire social structure. In Ljubljana, the old artisan mentality has been replaced by a collective pressure against changes, visions and advanced knowledge.

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Industrialization transformed the craftsman mentality into a desire for innovation and progress
Industrialization turned the craftsman mentality into a desire for innovation and progress.

The New Age is coming at the exhibition! You can view Industry - Labor - Capital, how different innovations in different historical periods influenced people's thinking, the development of economic systems and, ultimately, a fundamental change in the individual's everyday life.

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