
Exhibition by Katarina Zdjelar

In her artistic practice, Katarina Zdjelar (1979, Belgrade) explores concepts such as identity, authority and community through language, which serves as a tool for observing and analyzing social phenomena. She is mainly interested in the concept of the mother tongue, as the fundamental and defining language of an individual, in relation to its relocation...

Important information
Contemporary Art Gallery, Trg Celjske Knezov 8, Celje
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.

In her artistic practice, Katarina Zdjelar (1979, Belgrade) explores concepts such as identity, authority and community through language, which serves as a tool for observing and analyzing social phenomena.

She is mainly interested in the concept of the mother tongue, as the fundamental and defining language of an individual, in relation to his relocation to a foreign political, social and cultural environment. In the aforementioned circumstances, the mother tongue loses its primary function as a bearer of meanings and communication, and the individual must thus redefine himself through learning a foreign language and putting it into practice.

Katarina Zdjelar creates video, audio, textual and performative works as well as book publications, and at the same time builds various platforms based on the exchange of experiences, knowledge building and experimentation.
He lives and works in Rotterdam.
Opening: April 8 at 7 p.m.
Free entry.

The exhibition will be on display until May 29, 2011.

More info:
Maja Hodošček, Zavod Celeia Celje – Center of Contemporary Arts Celje, Gallery of Contemporary Art Celje, tel.: 03 42 65 156, mobi: 051 681 994, e-mail: maja.hodoscek@celje.si

Celeia Institute Celje - Center of Contemporary Arts Celje

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