
Expectations vs. reality: why you should not blindly trust tourist catalogues

Expectations vs. the reality of tourist destinations

Are you planning a vacation? Are you deciding on a vacation spot based on a travel agency catalog or hotel photos? Attention! Many tour operators are masters of deception. In their photographs, which invite guests into their embrace, they do not fake anything, but with an angle and some skilful cropping, they know how to greatly tailor reality.

You've probably been disappointed at least once in your life when you arrived at holiday destination, where she was waiting for you a completely different picture than the one from the tourist catalog or brochures of the hotel. If you decide on the basis of official photos of agencies and hotels, we advise you to always search the Internet for other, unofficial photos, which in many cases hide "the dirty truth”.

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That's right, in the photos from the sequel, the hotels and travel agencies did not fake anything, but by using the "right" angle and cropping heavily tailored reality. Don't let yourself be carried away thirsty and be careful when making a decision from a vacation destination.

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