
An expedition agency that takes care of the best men's adventures

Wilderness Collective - Expedition agency for men only.

Last year, Canadian Steve Dubbeldam founded a very special agency. Trips include men only, adventure, no phones, good food, socializing, adrenaline.

The agency was therefore established in 2012 Wilderness Collective. It is all-inclusive expedition agency, which is intended for men to test their masculinity through experiences. Much like how boys used to join the army to become men, today they can go on an adventure with owner Steve. Only the price is different, for example, Steve charges from a three-day adventure $3500 forward. But wildness and primitiveness have their price, and whoever wants to become a man will have to open his wallet wide.

Their first expedition was a 537-kilometer journey from Sequoia National Park to the legendary Yosemite Valley. All inclusive motorcycle trip lasted 72 hours through 160 kilometers of the California valley. The attached video will describe the event better than words.

If we are not already welcome there, women can at least browse the agency's website without worry and sign up for one of the trips (just kidding, men don't worry!). This is the only way to open a tab that presents other adventures. They all take place in remote locations, and everywhere the team focuses on that one mantras – live now and seize the moment. Steve Dubbeldam he is an adventurer at heart, but he also likes to help others to find balance in life. And the men who go on the trip with him also get this. According to Steve, their adventures include good food, good conversation, lots of adrenaline, more camaraderie and unforgettable memories. The groups he leads can be completely different - on the first tour there were men of all ages, some almost born bikers, and others a little less than the first time they rode a motorcycle. But it succeeded and is also succeeding with the remaining trips. A three-day mountaineering adventure on Mt. Copper, three days of sailing, surfing and exploring the Channel Islands or five days of snow sledding in Alaska?

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