Photo: Unsplash / Toa Hertiba

Experiment: We had sex every day during confinement

Are they really every day? Check.

When the second wave started COVID-19 and the resulting re-closure, Lisa, 24, and Spike, 32, decided to try having sex every day over a four-week period to test the theory that it reduced anxiety and depression.

During the first imprisonment, their sexual relations were less frequent, which led to heated arguments between them. Lisa said: "There was a lot of tension between us, due to restrictions that prevented us from spending time together, anxiety levels were high and we became increasingly irritable, which resulted in less frequent sex."

A study in Journal of Sexual Medicine claims that those who continued to have regular sex while incarcerated were less anxious, less depressed, and in happier relationships than those who did not.

When the second lockdown began, restauranteurs Lisa and Spike decided to test this theory by trying to have sex every day for four weeks.

Here are excerpts from their sex diary.

Day 3: We were like rabbits

"It's only the first week and the tension is already building because we're together all the time, but we're really determined to do this experiment. We stocked up on food and other necessary things. We became more playful and focused more on foreplay.

When we had a fight, we had sex. During these few days we were like rabbits. During the first closure, morning sex was unheard of, but now we can do that too. We really want to take our relationship to the next level, so we also talked about our fantasies." (Lisa)

Day 6: Twice a day 20-minute thrills

Spike described how Lisa was stressed out about work, which made her depressed, which was the cause of their fights in the past. But that week she dealt with stress in the bedroom.

"Lisa told me exactly what she wanted. I loved her new direct coping mechanism. At least twice a day we experienced 20 minutes of sexual excitement. I also sent her dirty messages during the day which made things more relaxed between us. It was a time of experiencing various fantasies. We tried things we had never tried before. It was a big rush of adrenaline for us." (Spike)

Day 9: I'm sorry to tell you this, but I've had enough

"I was under the influence of hormones this week. I complained to him about the housework, the gloomy and cold weather made me feel sick. On top of that, we both had to undergo a Covid test. I don't like it, but I have to say that I'm a bit tired of everyday sex. I think that from now on I could also consider quick 'handwork'.” (Lisa)

There were fewer messages between them, which she didn't like, because reading erotic messages really helped her mood. So she searched for these contents on the internet and bought some sexy lingerie to spice things up in the bedroom.

"Something has to get us out of this routine. Right now we're distracted by phones and texting with friends, so sex is the last thing on our minds." (Lisa)

Day 13: Lisa started unbuttoning my jeans

"I felt that things had cooled a bit between us and she told me that she was going to bring the excitement back between us. And she did, literally. When we were brushing our teeth before bed, she started unbuttoning my jeans and whispering in my ear. We could barely finish brushing our teeth before I took her to the bedroom.” (Spike)

Lisa was having those days of the month, so instead of having sex, they experimented with some toys and different types of foreplay. Spike had no complaints. The next day they both felt relief.

Day 18: I turned on the porn and got his attention

Lisa pointed out that it bothers her when Spike doesn't contact her on his cell phone while he's at work, and that he's done that several times these days.

"We argued and ended up having a sexless night on purpose. It's hard to have sex when you're in a bad mood. The next day I knew we had to find a way to sensual sexual desire and arousal. I suggested we shower together and I saw his eyes light up. It was soothing, our bodies were so close and we ended up making love. I felt good because we got close again.

The other night I decided to liven things up with porn - and I got his attention. We ended up having sex with pornography in the background, it was a really hypnotic experience.” (Lisa)

Day 22: I fell asleep before we had sex

"Recently, we cooperate a lot, we talk. I think we've grown closer this month as we've let go of our silly little fights. We continue to have regular sexual relations, but we have calmed down a lot. Everything is more relaxed now.

Lisa dressed particularly seductively and teased me after returning from work. But before we got to the action, I fell asleep and woke up at 4am. Oops!” (Spike)

Day 28: We wake up very early

“Spike's body needed rest, but after this month we know how important it is to keep flirting. So, instead of waiting until the evening to have sex, we wake up a little earlier - that means less foreplay and more immediate action instead. It's nice, because in this way, even during the day, I constantly remember the glimpses of the morning's actions.

Now that the shutdown is coming to an end, I know we need to make the most of the time we have together." Lisa concluded, it says The Sun.

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