If you've ever researched weight loss diets, you've probably come across the importance of protein. These not only help in maintaining muscle mass, but also reduce the feeling of hunger. But how much protein do you actually need to eat to see results?
Obesity expert, dr. Meghan Garcia-Webb, reveals the optimal daily intake based on your body weight and goals. Read on to find out how getting the right amount of protein can affect your weight loss progress.
Protein and weight loss: Why is it important?
Protein plays an essential role in weight loss, as it helps maintain muscle mass, which is important for an efficient metabolism. When you're losing weight, you don't want to lose muscle, because muscle mass helps your body burn more calories—even at rest. In addition, protein affects appetite-regulating hormones such as ghrelin and peptide YY, helping to reduce hunger and keep you feeling full longer.
How much protein is enough?
The optimal amount of protein varies from individual to individual, but there are general recommendations that can be a good starting point. Obesity expert, dr. Meghan Garcia-Webb advises adults who are trying to lose weight to consume between 1.2 to 1.6 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. This means that a person weighing 70 kg would need between 84 and 112 grams of protein per day to achieve the best results.
However, your lifestyle should also be considered. If you are very active, you may need more protein to regenerate muscles and maintain muscle mass. It is important to adjust your protein intake to your needs, while avoiding excessive consumption, as this can strain the kidneys and lead to other problems.
Which protein sources are the best?
When choosing protein sources, it is important to consider quality and variety. It is ideal to include a combination of animal and vegetable proteins in your diet. Some of the best resources include:
- Chicken, turkey and lean beef: excellent sources of high quality protein containing all essential amino acids.
- Eggs: they contain a high biological value of proteins, which means that they are easily absorbed and used by the body.
- Fish such as salmon, tuna and trout: rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids that promote heart health.
- Legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas): an excellent plant-based protein source that also provides fiber for better digestion.
- Tofu and tempeh: vegetable protein from soy, an excellent choice for vegans and vegetarians.
- Greek yogurt: a high protein dairy choice that is ideal for snacks or breakfast.
While protein is key to weight loss, it's also important to remember balance. Your diet should also include healthy fats and carbohydrates, as these nutrients also play an important role in providing energy and overall health.
How to include more protein in the diet?
To increase your protein intake, try the following tips:
- Start your day with a protein breakfast like eggs or Greek yogurt with nuts.
- Choose nuts, cottage cheese or protein shakes instead of regular snacks.
- At lunch and dinner, there should always be a source of protein on the plate, be it meat, fish, tofu or legumes.
- Add protein supplements if you find it difficult to get enough from food alone, but be careful to choose good quality products.
Protein isn't everything
While protein is an important part of a successful weight loss diet, it's not all about this macronutrient. Successful weight loss requires a holistic approach that also includes regular physical activity, sleep and stress management. Remember that it is a balanced diet that produces the best long-term results.