
Explore Italy for free: This island offers free accommodation to young hikers

Photo: amminiditalia.org

This is an Italian island that welcomes young hikers with open arms.

The Italian island offers travelers up to the age of 35 free accommodation. With this, they want to attract young people to go on an interesting pilgrimage. Hiking is currently on the rise and new and new hiking trails are being established all over Europe, which try to attract all those who like to explore the world on foot.

Photo: Unsplash/Gian Luca Pilla

The Cammino Minerario di Santa Barbara Foundation (CMSB) in Sardinia launched the "Leg's go in Cammino" initiative, with which they want to attract especially young people to hike the pilgrimage route. Namely, they decided to cover the costs of accommodation for as many as three nights for young people up to the age of 35. This applies to everyone who will go on the 'mining' hiking trail - Camino Minerario di Santa Barbara.

Camino Minerario di Santa Barbara

Cammino Minerario di Santa Barbara takes its name from the patron saint of miners, to whom miners prayed before descending into the mines. The 500 km long route winds along cliffs, through oak forests and over sand dunes, offering magnificent views and beautiful nature. The route is divided into 30 stages, each of which is approximately 16 km long. Therefore, if you want to complete the route, you will need a month.

Photo: Unsplash/Jurgen Scheeff

Hikers start their journey in the small town of Iglesias in the south-west of the island, and along the way they walk past the ruins of mines and abandoned villages – some of which date back to the Industrial Revolution, while others are said to date back to Roman times. It is also worth paying attention to the caves of San Giovanni, the Marganai oak forests and the Piscina Irgas waterfall.

The initiative, which covers the cost of three nights, includes as many as 24 accommodation options, including B&Bs and campsites. On average, you will pay 25 euros for an overnight stay, which means that you will save about 75 euros. If you want to participate, you will need to obtain a walker's passport from the CMSB website, which costs €5. This gives you three vouchers for one night each, which you can use at the time of booking.

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