
Extreme Toyota Tacoma

The Toyota Tacoma is a heavy-duty truck that can handle even the harshest conditions, as special versions of the Toyota Tacoma Polar Expedition covered the route to the South Pole and back in less than 40 hours.

Special features Toyota Tacoma in addition to the monstrous appearance, there is also a 4-liter V6 engine, specially tuned gearbox, suspension and chassis of the company Marconi, steel frame, racing seats, engine heater, solar panels, upgraded batteries and as many as seven fuel tanks with a capacity of up to 1,250 liters. Although you won't be refueling often, it will be a pain in the wallet.

You can buy a Toyota Tacoma by auction at eBay, where at the time of writing this article, the price has risen to 51,800 euros.

See Toyota's new monster in the gallery.

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