
Utterly Distasteful: Things We Need to Stop Saying to Single Girls

Utterly Distasteful: Things We Need to Stop Saying to Single Girls

In the age of social media, it has become a given that women who haven't shown their partner online are automatically single. When people miraculously find out that you're supposedly single, a barrage of inappropriate and unnecessary comments often cross the lines of good taste, and we hear them in the following forms: "Probably no one wants to date her", "Too bad, the girl is fine" ” and probably the most epic “Gee, he's really unlucky”. There are many more such beliefs that point to only one thing - it's time to stop judging others and meddling in their lives.

Any girl who is she hasn't been single or talking about her love life for a while, was met with a lot of inappropriate comments about its status. Whether it's complete strangers or family, we've all heard the question of why we're single.

It's time to stop doing 'nonsense'! These 4 questions/sentences that you mention to single women, will make you think if it is apt to stick your nose in there, where you don't belong.

"I will introduce you to my friend, brother, colleague, roommate..."

I will introduce you to my (friend, brother, colleague, roommate).
I will introduce you to my (friend, brother, colleague, roommate).

People should stop looking for partners for single women and play the role of matchmaker. In such situations, a woman doesn't know what to do, so she agrees to go on a date even though she doesn't want to, so as not to hurt your feelings. Make sure the woman really wants it. Maybe single life suits her. If a single woman wants help, she will ask you for it directly.

"You're probably not trying hard enough."

Believe me, if a woman really wants to have a partner, she will do everything to find one. People often don't understand that we all have different expectations of a partner, we want different things from them, and for some, dating is torture. People who say a person isn't trying hard enough don't know how much pressure they are putting on a single woman. You can even convince her that her status is a failure for which she is to blame, and not the circumstances.

"Are you single? But you are so (complete with a positive adjective).”

Are you single? But you are so (fill in with a positive adjective).
Are you single? But you are so (fill in with a positive adjective).

When a person starts praising you and marveling that you're single because you're so oh and all, you really don't know what to say to that. Being single doesn't mean you're missing something. Who says that only the 'best' people in the world have partners. Being attractive, smart, beautiful is not the only important thing in a relationship. A person may feel as if they are judged by their appearance rather than the whole that they have to offer.

It all has to do with how unhappy a person you are for being single.

The fact is that it happens to all women that they worry about dying alone. Every person at some point worries that they will never meet the love of their life. But being single doesn't mean life begins then. Find passion in other things - work, education, hobbies, family. Modern society often describes romance as a missing piece of the puzzle, but it is only a part of life, not the whole.

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