
Face Melody: a website that sings you a song based on facial expressions

Music created on the basis of physiognomy.

Face Melody is a website that sings you a song based on facial expressions. All you have to do is select a photo (or use a webcam) and the website's algorithm creates unique music based on your physiognomy.

Music created on the basis of physiognomy.
Music created on the basis of physiognomy.

You have no gift for music? Nothing happens! Face Melody he just needs a photo of your face to write a song about you. With the help of facial recognition technology, the fund based on facial features.

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In addition to psychedelic music, Face Melody also serves you interesting statistics about your face, among other things about "degree of smile", "balance of the face" and "skin color", which contributes to the final musical product. Will your song be a number one hit? Probably not, but it will still be better than the high school one you wrote to your crush.

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