
Facebook will soon be able to know how much you have under your thumb

Not only can Facebook be completely addictive, it also has a range of private information about us, such as our political and religious affiliation, and at the same time it knows exactly where we are in the world at a given moment. Considering how much time people spend on this social network, all this is not so surprising, but soon Facebook will have even more information, namely it will be clear to it how much we have under our thumb.

At Facebook filed a patent in July 2016 for an algorithm that could predict what is the user's financial situation.
This information came to the public in February this year, thanks to a document published by a government agency US Patent & Trademark Office.
The algorithm is supposed to work with the help of data that the user gives by answering a series of questions and actions based on the use of the website.

It may soon become clear to Facebook whether you have (too) much under your thumb or whether you are bankrupt.
It may soon become clear to Facebook whether you have (too) much under your thumb or whether you are bankrupt.

Given that they are ads on Facebook already very or even too accurate today, we have to ask ourselves what exactly will Facebook gain by knowing our financial situation. The answer is simple: even more ads. Knowing the socio-economic status of people will Facebook made it easier to filter suitable information and advertisements for a specific person. This is nothing new or drastically different from what Facebook is already doing.
Otherwise, it is not necessary that Facebook will also use this technology or algorithm. A spokesperson for Facebook is in favor The Hill told. "We often file patents for technology that we then never use. Patents should not be seen as indicators of future plans.”

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