
Facebook has invented a new unit for time

It is somewhat strange to think that with their new discovery Facebook will displace classic time units from our lives. Of course, this is not their intention - with their unit of time they want to make it easier for people who are engaged in the study of recordings.

Facebook's virtual reality division, known as Oculus, invented a new unit for time. They named her flick, but it is intended measuring the speed of digital audio and video.

One flick represents 1.41723356009070 × 10-9 seconds.

How many flicks does it take to display a thumbnail in your clip?
How many flicks does it take to display the thumbnail in your video?

Currently, most films are made using the technique changes at 24 frames per second, which creates the impression of movement. If we divide a second into 24 parts, we can find that it is the time of one frame  0.04166666667 seconds. These numbers only make working with recordings even more complicated, so here comes the help flick. For the described example, we can calculate that the duration of the thumbnail display amounts to 29,400,000 flicks. In video games, which are recorded in the format of 60 frames per second, the number is of course somewhat smaller, i.e. 11,760,000 flicks.

We can find that it is flick a more useful unit for measuring the time frames appear in footage than a second. At least it makes the job a little easier for people in this profession because they don't have to deal with decimals.

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