Facebook knows almost everything about you, and at the same time it also archives it. And when you see what he managed to 'preserve', you will be a little scared. So how can you access this archived content?
What information does Facebook store about you? In this copy you will find, among other things:
Messages – Facebook keeps a history of messages you have exchanged via Facebook.
Locations – Facebook stores the places you've logged into.
Credit cards – if you have purchased anything through Facebook (in apps).
Facial recognition data – unique information created based on the tags of your photos. This information is collected to help your friends tag photos.
IP addresses – a list of all the IP addresses from which you have logged into Facebook.
Phone numbers – mobile numbers that you have added to your account, including numbers that you have added for security reasons.
Political beliefs – any information you have added to the political definition section of the Presentation.
Searches – everything you've been looking for on Facebook.
How do I get the data?
Go to Facebook and select Settings. Under General Account Settings you will have an option Download a copy of the data you have on Facebook. Click and wait for Facebook to send you a copy of your document.