
Facebook keeps a scary file on you and you can download it

Facebook knows almost everything about you, and at the same time it also archives it. And when you see what he managed to 'preserve', you will be a little scared. So how can you access this archived content?

What information does Facebook store about you? In this copy you will find, among other things:
Messages – Facebook keeps a history of messages you have exchanged via Facebook.
Locations – Facebook stores the places you've logged into.
Credit cards – if you have purchased anything through Facebook (in apps).
Facial recognition data – unique information created based on the tags of your photos. This information is collected to help your friends tag photos.
IP addresses – a list of all the IP addresses from which you have logged into Facebook.
Phone numbers – mobile numbers that you have added to your account, including numbers that you have added for security reasons.
Political beliefs – any information you have added to the political definition section of the Presentation.
Searches – everything you've been looking for on Facebook.

You can download and review all of this information and more.
You can download and review all of this information and more.

How do I get the data?

Go to Facebook and select Settings. Under General Account Settings you will have an option Download a copy of the data you have on Facebook. Click and wait for Facebook to send you a copy of your document.

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