
Facebook Masks – the answer to Snapchat selfie filters

Facebook Masks

Facebook Masks is Facebook's version of Snapachat Lenses animated selfie filters. The option will be available within the Facebook Live messaging service and for users of the Mentions app, Facebook's elite version.

Facebook Masks is a new service that Facebook offers within the live messaging service Facebook Live and applications Mentions.

Facebook is following in Snapchat's footsteps.
Facebook is following in Snapchat's footsteps.

App style Snapchat Lenses offers many fun selfie filters.

READ MORE: The Snapchat app now offers animated selfies!

Like Snapchat, Facebook will periodically change the 'masks' or supplemented. The first set is appropriate for the time Halloween themed. The service will initially only be available to users of iOS devices in the USA, Great Britain and New Zealand, and the service will be available to Android device users and users in other countries in the coming months.

Gallery - Facebook Masks

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