
Facebook Messenger now allows free video calls

Although video calls on mobile devices are not exactly new, what is new is that we will soon be able to make them right through Facebook Messenger. At Facebook, they showed their language to Skype and took care of their own video calls within the network.

At Facebook they are already some time ago with help Skype offered users video calls within the network, but the mentioned function was not realized to the extent that it would have been at Facebook wanted. Until today, since they are at Facebook took matters into their own hands, showed their tongues Skype, Google Hangouts and Face Time- and presented their new function to the world.

At Facebook they don't aim to make money from the calls themselves, since these will be free (via LTE and WiFi networks), but they strangely want users to stay on their network when they want to make calls. With the new video calling option, they've certainly found a way to do it the number of its users increased even more. You will click on the button “call” on your timeline?

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