
Facebook: We asked for a Dislike button, but we got smileys!

After the battle for likes, now to the battle for emoticons.

Anyone who is not satisfied with the small is not worthy of the big, you could comment on the news that Facebook has announced the arrival of smileys that will join the Like button. Disappointed? Were you expecting a thumbs down? We nod to Facebook's move, as we agree with Mark Zuckerberg, who recently expressed his fear that the introduction of the Dislike button could lead to malicious actions. But since this in itself does not solve the limitations of the Like button, Facebook has offered as an alternative smileys, a series of emoticons that cover the gray areas of expressing an opinion about posts on this social network.

We present to you Love, Haha (laughter), Yay (satisfaction/joy), Wow (excitement/surprise), Sadness and Anger, six smileys, or new ways of giving an opinion on a Facebook post, that will keep the button company I like (thumbs up) who lived alone for many years. Facebook has received millions of user requests for the button in recent years I do not like, and the tech giant has now finally answered their prayers, but not in the form they expected. Instead of a thumbs down, we got the aforementioned palette of six emoticons.

READ MORE: Mark Zuckerberg takes us on a virtual tour of the new Facebook premises

The possibility of expression with emotional symbols (emoticons) is currently still available in the trial phase (in Ireland and Spain), but should soon reach all users in the world, the number of individual feelings of users below the post will be visible as with likes. Like it?

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