
Faces hidden in everyday objects

Faces hidden in everyday objects are not at all a rare phenomenon, because as you will see below, they lurk at almost every turn. This psychological phenomenon even has its own scientific name, pareidolia, and roughly means the ability of the brain to recognize familiar patterns and shapes in random lenses, in our case, faces.

Do you ever feel like someone is watching you? Feelings do not deceive you, because faces hidden in everyday objects they are everywhere. On vegetables, on fruit, on houses, on bags, on chairs, on hats, on flowers, on sinks, on trucks... And if Disney or Pixar are looking for inspiration for the next animated film, we suggest them, like you, to visit our gallery. Perhaps after planes, cups, houses, cars, etc., we will also get talking couches.

READ MORE: 30 everyday objects that are watching you

See the comic faces hidden in everyday objects in the gallery

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