
Facts about life on the space station that you will find hard to believe

Facts about life on the space station that you will find hard to believe.

It's hard for us mere mortals to imagine what life is like on a space station. That is why some details about the everyday life of astronauts surprise us all the more.

What facts about life on the space station are almost impossible to believe?

The sun is constantly rising and setting.

Astronauts on the International Space Station witness as many as 16 sunrises and sunsets every day. Namely, the station travels at a speed of around 28,000 kilometers per hour, and circles the Earth in just 90 minutes.

Signs of life on Earth are most noticeable at night.

Europe is lit up at night.
Europe is lit up at night.

At night, human activity on Earth can be observed from a spacecraft. The most notable are, of course, big cities. This is why Europe is almost completely illuminated by lights, while Africa is mostly dark.

Some types of food are very difficult to eat in space.

Eating in a weightless environment is not easy. If you move the spoon too quickly or if someone touches you while doing so, nothing good is written for you. Some foods and drinks are even forbidden in space. These include bread, milk, ice cream, pizza...

If you lose an item, you won't see it for a long time.

It is not unusual for things to suddenly disappear on the space station. Upon the station's return to Earth, the lost items will most likely 'float to the surface' at once.

Astronauts see the same number of stars as people on Earth.

Many people like to look at the stars in the sky.
Many people like to look at the stars in the sky.

According to the astronauts, the view of the stars from space is similar to that from one of the high mountains on Earth. The number of stars is the same, the main difference is that the astronauts do not observe them through the atmosphere.

Astronauts dream of weightless space.

When you spend a lot of time in a certain environment, you start to dream about the adventures there. It is no different even in space.

The clothes astronauts wear are similar to yours.

Socks are also popular in space.
Socks are also popular in space.

It turns out that clothes from Earth are also useful in space. The typical outfit of a space worker thus consists of a t-shirt, shorts with lots of pockets and belts with hedgehogs, and socks.

Astronauts love to have Saturday movie nights.

Among other things, astronauts pass the time with movie nights, usually tethered to the ground. So they can watch the movie in a sitting or lying position. Understandably, they don't reach for the popcorn.

Time can be found for horses in space.

Astronauts like to read in their free time.
Astronauts like to read in their free time.

An astronaut's working day lasts from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. In the evenings and weekends, there is time for other activities, such as reading books.

Working on the space station is important for humanity.

Space explorers are primarily concerned with how to fix human problems. In this way, they influence many scientific disciplines.

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