
Fall Out Trio (CRO), BobenBassPaAnanas (SLO)

If you get the urge to chronically masturbate to experimental music and dopey jazz/funk/some sort of musical accompaniment, then your parents will disown you if you release this dopey trio duo. If not because of that, then because Fallout is a cool deck. [URL=http://www.myspace.com/fallouttrio]Fall Out Trio ...

Important information
AKC Metelkova, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
4 euros.

If you get the urge to chronically masturbate to experimental music and dopey jazz/funk/some sort of musical accompaniment, then your parents will disown you if you release this dopey trio duo. If not because of that, then because Fallout is a cool deck.


[URL=http://www.myspace.com/fallouttrio]Fall Out Trio (experimental/fusion/psychedelic)[/URL]



ok, not a picture of the whole gang, but this picture is so cool that I have to post it


[flash height=400 width=700]http://www.youtube.com/v/XqGKW969Ltc[/flash] 



Fall Out Trio are a real refreshment on the scene. The trio has been around for 10 years, but only in recent years have they started basking in proper media attention. Various music critics and "critics" cannot decide on their playing style, as they mix sixties psychedelia, jazz, avant-garde, alternative rock and so on. Hell, let's say it's fusion. See for yourself live, because on stage, according to the testimonies of innocent bystanders, whose ears will never be the same, they KILLING!


[URL=http://www.myspace.com/bobenbasspaananas]BobenBassPaAnanas (jazz/funk/jam)[/URL]




[flash height=400 width=700]http://www.youtube.com/v/uJ1wOS6V88U[/flash] 


as exotic, refreshing and sticky as the taste of pineapple on the tongue, the music of the BobenBassPaAnanas band is in everyone's ears. The music played by these three people from Lendav, lost in the world of colors, is completely consistent with the nature of the group's creation itself, which came about as a result of a general network of strange coincidences. At first glance, it seems quite clear that guitarist Miha Malek should represent the pineapple in the group, not only because of the similarity between his hairstyle and the top of this fruit, but mainly because of the juicy and elegant melodic solos that characterize their pieces. Even though the drum and bass in the name act only as extras, in reality this is not the case, as a certain proportion can be clearly perceived in their playing, whereby the melody of the bass now comes to the fore, then the drum takes the reins. Behind the bass hides the shy, and therefore all the more charming (oh, yes ♥ – note of the organizer) Nik Franko, whose original roots go back to somewhat harder waters, but in the current case he always proves himself again with his gentle virtuosity. Filip Novak's usual bewilderment has proven to be useful in his music creation, as it gives their pieces a new freshness that cannot be found anywhere else. As for the detailed description of the music of the BobenBassPaAnanas band, we can say that it is extremely melodic instrumental music that dances bouncyly on the border between jazz and funky blues. in which there is no surprise if something Balkan slips into it or if some gypsy touch peeks through. In short, it could be said that this is music for all those who are looking for oral orgasms with an attractive performance.


We let the crowd into the hall at 10 p.m

We will charge you €4 for entry


Info & contact:

[URL=www.facebook.com/otorhinolaringolog]Facebook profile[/URL]


[URL=http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=185267171552678]Facebook event page[/URL]


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