
Famous animated characters, if they had realistic facial proportions

Animated characters with realistic physiognomy.

Why are the animated characters in Disney and Pixar movies so cute? Are they attracted to us because of their character? Also. But we like them mainly because of their usually (too) big eyes, big round heads and other oversized body parts. Would they still look so cute without it? You can verify this by looking at the realistic faces of those characters who have become so firmly anchored in our hearts.

Have you ever wondered why are animated characters so cute? Because of the colors, maybe the character? Both help with this, but like advertisements for various fashion and cosmetic brands, animated characters are often at odds with the proportions of an ordinary mortal. No one has such big eyes and a round face as Elsa from the Frozen Kingdom and such thin legs and at the same time such broad shoulders and a big head as the villain Gru from I, Bastard. But this is precisely the main attribute of these characters, which he set as a standard Disney (start already Japanese anime). Baby moves and you baby face (round face) became the template for the design of many female animated characters. Animated films cannot do without them. Or is it?

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Gru from the animated film Me, the Bastard.
Gru from the animated film Me, the Bastard

You can see for yourself, as she is an illustrator Roosa Karlsson, which we also know under a pseudonym TheNamelessDoll, recreated famous Disney, Pixar and Sony characters, gave them more realistic facial proportions and placed next to the original. Her changes are not drastic, but enough to be the difference is obvious. The illustrations sparked a heated debate online. Some people are enthusiastic about them, while others say that animated films are not "in the service" of real life and thus do not spread and incite unrealistic beauty standards and distort the image. What do you think about it all?

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