
Discounted hotels where you can spend the night if you are tired of the usual places to stay

Cool hotels where you can stay if you're tired of the usual places to stay.

Traditional apartments, hostels and hotel rooms are a thing of the past. If you are an exhibitionist, then it is time to plan your trip in a completely different way than you have done so far. Staying in an igloo, with giraffes or in tree houses would probably not be defended even by those who are not interested in adventure, let alone those who love adventure.

It has probably often happened to you that you are planned a trip, but you are already thinking of looking for a place to live, at the same time think about the fact that you would prefer to stay at home. A unique offer of residences it can be for those who really like to explore different places, tiring, so here's something the most unique places to stay, when you get bored typical hotels.

Why sleep in standard hotel, if you can sleep in igloo, 'zucchini', from which you can look at the starry sky, or pet the giraffes, while eating breakfast? When you return with travels, you won't just remember place, which you have visited, but will be the main attraction for the first time in your life your travel accommodation.


Lovers cold and white blankets, it's time to frame Northern Lights visit one of the igloos at Finland. Kakslauttanen is a place where you can from the comfort of your bed you admire the stars. Ah, that's called a once-in-a-lifetime experience.



You can't leave the US without one visiting the Atlantic Forest, in which he hides a fairy tale. It is located in the interior of the forest, surrounded by tall trunks, leaves and forest life tree house, the most desirable attraction on Airbnb for a while now. You can sleep inside or place the bed on a special platform where you have a view starry sky.



Jamaica you must visit for their 'cute' bungalows in the middle of the Caribbean. They are surrounded by turquoise water, sandy beaches and blue skies, and paradise got a new one definition.



Surrounded by high beings, while eating breakfast, resting, reading … sounds damn good. If you have Instagram, then you've probably seen interesting profile photos at least once Giraffe Manor. If you spend the night here, you can wake up with giraffes, which access yours through the window bedrooms. You can also eat or feed them. You must place this place on 'bucket list'!



If you love planes, you'll want to sleep in the renovated jumbo jet that is on the ground. Boeing 747-212B is available 76 beds for guests. In this plane because of you enthusiasm probably won't be able to fall asleep.



Adventurers must know Skylodge suite, as you have to climb to the extremes heights, to sleep on the mountain wall in Peru. You will be able to earn your house in the sky just by walking to the top Via Ferrata. It will probably be difficult, but worth it, because it is the suite is completely transparent, which means that you will fall asleep and wake up in the embrace of the sky in all its images.


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