
Is your friend's boyfriend getting on your nerves? Here's how to act drama-free

Photo: envato

Has it ever happened to you that your friend met someone new and you just didn't feel the same crush on her boyfriend? Should you talk about your feelings or rather stay silent?

Is your friend's boyfriend unlikable?

A friend has fallen in love and can't stop talking about her new boyfriend. You look forward to meeting him, but when the meeting finally happens, you realize that you actually don't like him at all.

His character or behavior may bother you and you find yourself in a dilemma - how to act? Should you tell your friend or keep quiet?

Think it over

When you meet your friend's boyfriend and realize he's not into you, first ask yourself why you feel this way. Is it possible that it reminds you of an ex-partner or someone who made you feel bad in the past? Or maybe he's just not the type of person you want to hang out with?

Friendship is not without its challenges. Photo: Olly / Pexels

Don't rush to judgement

It is important not to rush to judgment and you give him a chance. Perhaps the boy was nervous at the first meeting, because he is aware that his friend's friends are watching him closely. Even if you don't like him, give him some time to show his true personality. After all, your friend chose him for a reason.

When is it time to have an open conversation?

If you notice that your friend's boyfriend is behaving inappropriately, such as manipulation, lack of respect or even violence, it is your duty to talk to your friend. Express your concerns to her in a respectful way and support them with concrete examples. In such cases, you must act responsibly and protect your friend.

Do you pretend you don't like her boyfriend or do you accept him? Photo: Wildlittlethingsphoto / Pexels

Coping with stress due to unpleasant feelings

Antipathy towards a friend's boyfriend can cause unnecessary stress, which affects your life. To cope with this, it is useful to keep a journal where you write down your thoughts and feelings. This will make it easier for you to understand your thinking and calm down.

Maintain a friendship despite an unlikable boyfriend

Even though your friend's boyfriend may never really like you, that doesn't mean it has to ruin your friendship. Friendship is based on support, love and respect. Accept her partner, even if you don't like it, because the most important thing is that she is your friend happy.

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